"A Way To The AmaZing Technology"

August 2, 2011

What happens in every 60 seconds on Internet? Do you know?

Growth of  Internet is tremendous over the years because of number of people using the internet in developing countries is fastest as ever.
The infographic by goGlobe shows the growth of internet companies of this era.
Some mentionable stats happening every minute

  1. 168 Million Emails sent
  2. 694445 Search queries
  3. 695000 Facebook status updates
  4. 510040 Comments on Facebook
  5. 98000 Tweets
  6. 600 New uploaded youtube videos
  7. 12000 New adds
  8. 70 Domain registrations
  9. 60 New blogs generated
  10. 1700 Firefox downloads
Many more……………
Checkout in the picture……….